Application of modern technologies to capture the myriad of energy opportunities in the San Juan Basin
FARMINGTON, NM, OCTOBER 18, 2021 – The San Juan Basin Energy Conference will be held Thursday, October 28th and Friday, October 29th at the Henderson Fine Arts Center at San Juan College. This two-day event will bring together the top companies, experts and government officials to share insights on the evolving energy industry in the San Juan Basin and opportunities created by that evolution.
TheSanJuanBasinEnergyConferencewasfoundedto provideaforumforexchanging ideas to responsibly develop the region’s abundant energy resources in a manner that maximizes economic benefits for the region while addressing public policy goals. In keeping with that purpose, the theme of this year’sconference is “Celebrating our Past and Looking to the Future”.
This year’s conference will have presentations from the oil and gas, alternative energy, energy transition, and CO2 sequestration sectors to complement government officials, academia, and members of the finance industry.We are excited to welcome speaker Alex Epstein, author of the New York Times Best-Selling Book, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. Alex is President and Founder of the Center for Industrial Progress and is well-known for eloquently defending the idea that “human flourishing” should be a primary guiding principal for both industrial and environmental progress.
Ticketsandsponsorshipinformationareavailableathttps://www.sanjuanbasinenergyconference.com/ .Ticketpricesare $250/personandsponsorshippricesrangefrom$1,000-$10,000.NetproceedswillgotoSanJuanCollege’sresearchpark,FourCornersInnovations,Inc.